The Neighborhood Village
The Neighborhood Village
The Neighborhood Village is a community of 50 permanent supportive housing units with onsite wraparound services. We believe that stable, safe, and dignified living conditions are the first step to breaking cycles of poverty and homelessness. True healing happens in community, and The Neighborhood Village is dedicated to enhancing the well-being and community integration of individuals transitioning from homelessness.

A beacon of hope, The Neighborhood Village goes beyond providing permanent housing. It is the first of its kind in California. TNV (The Neighborhood Village) is a place of permanence, healing, and hope–a true community for our neighbors who have been pushed to the margins of our society. It is a place of belonging where our organization is offering a holistic approach investing in each person.
TNV co-locates life-saving and life-changing services, including healthcare, mental health support, job training, and addiction services. Each neighbor has the opportunity to participate in community-building activities such as gardening, culinary, or art programs. Every neighbor is case-managed by our Neighbor Care team. Our model is relational, centering on the needs and priorities of each neighbor.

“I finally feel safe.
I have a second chance at life.” - Patrick
Learn about The Neighborhood Village!
The Neighborhood Village Programs
Fully furnished modular homes for rent, complete with amenities inside
Resident care and property management staff on-site, along with all Salt + Light staff
Micro Enterprises and dignified income opportunities for residents
Job training and workforce development
Wraparound mental and physical health services
Coordination of benefits and case management
Wellness and financial literacy classes
Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings
Missional Residents (people who choose to live onsite with our residents)
Central Park
Memorial Garden and Columbarium
Off-leash Dog Park
Organic Garden
Outdoor Community Table eating space
Community Kitchen
A Proven Model: Community First! Village
Our work is based on the success of the Community First! Village in Austin, TX. Click the video below to witness the goodness that is Community First! Village!